The biggest difference between galvanised sheet and galvanised
Time : 2023-07-03
The biggest difference between galvanised sheet and galvanised

The biggest difference between galvanised sheet and Aluzinc sheet is the difference in the coating. The surface of galvanised sheet is evenly distributed with a layer of zinc material which acts as an anodic protection for the base material, meaning that the alternative corrosion of the zinc material protects the use of the base material and only when all the zinc has been corroded can the base material be harmed inside.

The surface coating of the Alu-Zn sheet is made up of 55% aluminium, 43.5% zinc and a small amount of other elements, which in microscopic terms is a honeycomb structure, a "honeycomb" of aluminium containing zinc. As the zinc material is not easily electrolysed by the aluminium, the anodic protection is greatly reduced, so that once the sheet has been cut, it will soon rust if the edges are not protected.

The surface of zinc aluminide sheeting is more fancy than galvanised sheeting and the price of zinc aluminide sheeting is more expensive than galvanised sheeting.

The surface of galvanised steel is characterised by its smooth, flat and ornate starbursts and its silvery white base colour gives it excellent corrosion resistance. The normal service life of zinc aluminised sheet is up to 25a. It is heat resistant and can be used in high temperature environments up to 315°C. The adhesion of the coating to the paint film is good and the surface conductivity is good.

The coating composition consists of 55% aluminium, 43.4% zinc and 1.6% silicon by weight. The production process of aluminium and zinc coated steel is very similar to that of galvanised steel, which is a continuous melt plating process. Moreover, the colour coated products have excellent adhesion and flexibility.

The high thermal reflectivity of zinc aluminide is twice as high as that of galvanised steel, which allows us to use it as an insulating material. AL-Zn sheet is also very heat resistant and can withstand temperatures of over 300 degrees Celsius, very similar to the high temperature oxidation resistance of aluminised steel, and is often used in chimney halls, ovens, luminaires and fluorescent light covers. Because the density of 55% AL-Zn is less than that of Zn it can be used at the same weight and with the same thickness of plating.